Bernice Chauly is a writer, poet and photographer and graduated with a B.Ed in English Literature and TESL from the University of Winnipeg, Canada. Her work with refugees, sex workers, AIDS, indigenous peoples and masters of folk traditions has been documented in award-winning works that span photography, plays, monologues, documentaries and short films. A seasoned performer for the stage and screen, she is also a key organiser of literary/storytelling events in KL. She has worked as a journalist, editor, travel/food writer and has authored two coffee-table books and an international travel guide to KL. She has also published two collections of poetry and a collection of short stories. She is currently writing a memoir on her Chinese-Punjabi family, part of her PhD in Creative Writing and English Literature at University Malaya. She is passionate about telling stories and is concerned with issues of marginalization, human rights and identity. She currently lectures in literature at a leading private university's School of Business. Her work can be seen on bernicechauly.wordpress.com

Mislina Mustaffa has been shedding tears, sweat and blood re-presenting all sorts of women characters with different history and socio-economic background in her 16 years of performing on stages and screens, which among them includes (films) Karaoke, Talentime, Mukhsin, Anak Halal, Bernafas Dalam Lumpur, Kurus, Bukak Api, (theatres) looking back in Anger, Till Death Do us Part, Off Centre and Waiting For Godot. Therefore, she found out that the body alone is not enough to define her as a woman. a woman is not a completed reality, but rather a becoming, and it is in her becoming that her possibilities should be defined, not to reduce her to what she has been or to what she is today, in raising the question of her capabilities. This nature of transcendent action means, no one is able to close the book till the time comes for it to close by itself.

Angela M. Kuga Thas holds a Bachelor in Economics. She first got involved in the development sector in late 1990. An advocate for women’s empowerment and non-discrimination, Angela draws her knowledge and experience from her wider networking and previous work with women’s rights advocates on the CEDAW Convention (with IWRAW Asia Pacific) and in the area of women’s sexual and reproductive health (with ARROW), as well as in the provision of microcredit to poor women (with APDC). Angela’s current interests lie in the areas of gender and information and communication technology (ICT), gender and sexuality, social entrepreneurship, and young people’s, particularly young women’s, empowerment. With a group of like-minded women and men, she founded Knowledge and Rights with Young people through Safer Spaces (KRYSS) in December 2002.

Lina Tan founded Red Communications Sdn Bhd, in August 1999. Lina has created a variety of television programs, winning a few awards along the way. Some of the awards include winning the “Best Infotainment program” at the Asian TV Awards 2002 for 3R (Respect, Relax, Respond) – a tv program targeted at empowering young women, which garnered huge popularity spanning over 14 seasons. In 2004 Lina formed a subsidiary company called Red Films which produces and distributes independent movies. In 2005 Lina produced a mainstream film Gol & Gincu which was rumored to be the cause of a dramatic increase of girls taking up indoor football or futsal. It was screened in Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei and International Film Festivals in Bangkok, Tokyo, Amsterdam and Busan, Korea. It won most popular film voted by the audience in the 19th Malaysian Film Festival. The movie has spinned off a successful TV series of the same title and a Philippines version. Other films include “KAMI” which has won 2 local awards in 2009 and recent release “Pisau Cukur” (Gold diggers) which is a box-office hit.